Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring Break 2013!!!

Today was our last class before spring break!  I can’t believe that freshmen year is almost over!  Anyway, today, we watched the grossest movie ever.  It was about Alexander the Great and the wars.  It was so gross that I wanted to leave the room.  There was a lot of blood and stuff, and, of course, I was in the front of the room.  Right in front of the screen!  I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to blog on Monday because we didn't have school because of snow.  Why is it that we wait all winter for snow and it comes during spring?  This world is messed up!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Presentation (Almost) Complete

Today in class, we worked on our presentations again.  I was working as hard as I possibly could because I really need to bring my grade up in Western Civ.  I think I finished my part of the presentation.  If I didn’t then I’m in a lot trouble because it’s due tomorrow.  There isn’t much more I can do to bring my grade up in Mr. Schick’s class because the quarter ends tomorrow.  I know that next semester I’m going to have to work harder than I did this semester to keep a good grade.  I am really not ready to present our project tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Another Group Project

Today in class, I realized that I really need to bring my grade up!  Thankfully, Mr. Schick gave us a presentation that we have to do.  Usually, I do not like doing presentations, but this one could bring my grade up so I am not close to failing.  The class split up into seven groups.  Originally, I had Mackenzie and Daniel in my group.  Then, Mr. Schick took Daniel out of our group so there is more work for me and Mackenzie to do.  I am going to work really hard on this assignment because I have to bring my grade up a lot.  I don’t know why, but it seems like Mr. Schick’s class is harder this semester.

Athens Gets Defeated

Hellenistic refers to the ‘international’ period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwest Asia was under Greek rule. 

                The Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War because the plague struck and wiped out at least one third of its population.  Their ruler, Pericles, was killed by the plague.  Athens recovered, but was led by reckless politicians that refused to accept Sparta’s offers of compromise.  Another reason Athens lost the war is because they lost two-thirds of its fleet in a battle against Sparta’s ally.  Sparta got help from Persia, who was Athens’s biggest threat, to build a bigger navy to challenge Athens’s small fleet.  The Spartans crushed the Athenians at the battle of Aegospotami.  With their navy destroyed and needing to get food supplies from overseas, the Athenians were starving so they surrendered.    

                In 359 B.C., King Philip the Second started to strengthen his army to take over Greece.    

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Yesterday in class, I found out that we have a study guide for our test on Monday.  Mr. Schick was asking us what the answers to the questions were and he was giving people muffins that he stole from the Junior Ring Breakfast.  Cameron ended up getting like 7 muffins because people kept giving theirs to him.  I am not looking forward to the test on Monday.  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Today in class, Mr. Schick summarized like 40 minutes of the movie in less than five minutes.  He basically said that Athens lost the Peloponnesian War and the Athenians blamed it on Socrates.  Once that was finished, we started watching the movie again.  Today, we watched the part about Socrates.  We learned/reviewed what Socrates was put to death for.  He was charged for corrupting the youth and undermining the state religion.  He was forced to drink poison Hemlock and die a slow and painful death.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Evil Laugh

Today in class we watched more of the movie.  At the beginning of class, Mr. Schick showed a few people how to work the projector because he is not going to be in class tomorrow.  He is going to be on retreat with the seniors.  It was really funny during the movie because Mr. Schick kept doing his evil laugh.  The first time is scared me so bad.  We really didn’t do that much in class today except take notes.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy Birthday Becca!!!

Today in class, I was very lost.  I wasn’t in class most of last week because I was part of Aladdin.  When Mr. Schick asked what the last thing we saw in the movie was I had no idea.  I didn’t even know that we started a movie.  At the beginning of class, we sang Happy Birthday to Becca.  She got to wear the birthday hat!  When we sang, the only person Mr. Schick could hear was Kishan.  After the song was over, Mr. Schick told Kishan that he sounded like a wounded animal.  Somehow, at the end of class, we started talking about Daniel winning the Olympics.  I was so confused!