Monday, February 11, 2013


Today in class, I finally learned what Stonehenge is.  It was made by the barbarians and the stones are placed according to the sun and the moon.  On the solstices, the barbarians performed rituals at Stonehenge.  Nobody knows how Stonehenge was created.  It seems impossible that people that couldn’t read or write could build something so complicated, yet so simple.  Historians are trying to figure out how those people carried the stones, that weighed several tons, and how they managed to arrange them the way they did.  Historians also can’t figure out how they put a huge stone on top of other huge stones.  We also started working on a presentation to show that we understand all of the material from today.  I finally get to work by myself!!!  I don’t really like working in groups because I get distracted very easily and I am usually the person that ends up doing most of the work.

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