Thursday, January 17, 2013

First Day of West Civ

Today in class, we basically did the same thing we did on the first day of Human Geo.  Except, this time, we had to get books.  Mr. Schick told us to download Google Chrome.  We had to make another blog for Western Civilization, because we couldn't use the one from Human Geo.  Mr. Schick also repeated that he has no tolerance for computer games in his class.  I am really glad I have Mr. Schick again.  Some of the people from my Human Geo class don’t have him anymore and they are upset.  Even though blogging every night is a lot of work, it’s worth it because Mr. Schick makes the class fun and interesting.  One thing that is really awesome about his class this semester is that it is in the same room as my advisory!

1 comment:

  1. Nice to have you in my class again, Alex! Hope you have a great semester!
